News update

6 09, 2016

LG Professionals Australia “First 100 Days” Campaign

2018-07-12T11:24:43+10:00September 6th, 2016|Categories: News|

To ensure the voices of people working in local government around Australia can be heard in Canberra, LG Professionals Australia in unison with 'OurSay', has created an online forum to gather and share suggestions from local government professionals on what local government practitioners need to be effective, and what the focus should be. We’ll take the [...]

4 09, 2016

Tasmanian Member winner of the first annual International Professional Exchange Program

2018-07-12T22:35:45+10:00September 4th, 2016|Categories: News|

  Applications for LG Professionals Australia first annual International Professional Exchange Program closed recently. Consisting of a two-week placement in a local government office in the US and also hosting a US local government professional here for two weeks, the exchange is a unique opportunity for local government's emerging leaders to take that next step, [...]

1 09, 2016

2016 Annual Conference “Rocking the Cradle”

2018-07-12T11:24:43+10:00September 1st, 2016|Categories: News|

Rocking the Cradle - 2016 Annual Conference Local Government has typically in the past been seen as a steady and conservative in its delivery of services to each community. Innovation has been seen in pockets throughout the industry, but it hasn’t been at the forefront of day to day business. The speakers selected for this [...]

4 07, 2016

Targeted Review of the Act

2018-07-12T22:59:47+10:00July 4th, 2016|Categories: News, Reports|

LG Professionals Tasmania has surveyed its members and submitted the below publication for consideration as part of the targeted review of the Act. Any questions relating to its content, should be directed to Alyce Jordan (Executive Officer) in the first instance 2016 LG Professional Submission on Targeted Review of the Act  - added 04/07/2016

22 05, 2016

Welcome to the new LG Professionals website

2018-07-12T23:36:42+10:00May 22nd, 2016|Categories: News|

Welcome to the new website!! Although this website is live, it is always being propagated with new information and small tweaking here and there so be sure to check back regularly for updates. If you are a current member, you will receive an email which can grant you access to the 'members only' area where you [...]

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